About Us

Let’s be real: Most affordable content writing services suck.


They’re stiff, boring, outsource the work to University students in the Philippines, and even if they do manage to deliver on time, the writing’s choppy, or written without much attention to detail, or just downright nonsensical.


In short, this is everything we here at GoSuperb are against.


Our dissatisfaction with most big content writing companies is what propelled us to take action and build our own affordable content writing service.

Our Story

GoSuperb’s beginnings are rooted in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The company was founded in 2015 by a former corporate web developer and longtime bookworm. He started GoSuperb inside a modest 150 square foot office on the outskirts of Amsterdam with the help of a single writer. After a few years of grinding and growing, GoSuperb has served hundreds of happy clients and staffs a complete team of dedicated writers who deliver nothing but exceptional pieces of content.

Our Mission

Our goal is to make your online business stronger through the written-word. Odds are you already understand the value of high-quality content and the impact it carries across how your company is perceived. Our content allows you to effectively communicate your message to the intended audience in the way you truly want, so you can focus on building the business you’ve always envisioned.

Our Promise

Whether you’re a startup looking for some eye-catching headlines for advertisement campaigns, a brick-and-mortar store trying to improve their exposure to the locals, or even an affiliate marketer looking to capitalize on a stellar product, we take the health of your venture seriously.


With this, there are several things you will and will not receive with each piece of content written by the GoSuperb team.

You will not receive:

Filler. Filler makes people yawn and misleads you, the customer.


A stretched word count. We like to keep it simple and believe less is always more. We get the message across without obsessing over word count.


Overgeneralizations. We write on the topic you give us without repeating what’s already on Wikipedia. We dive deep into detail.

You will receive:

Great writers. Bad writers can poison your brand. Through our rigorous selection process we’ve handpicked every one of our writers to make sure you receive nothing but the best.


Polished articles. Each article is not just self-edited by the original writer, but looked over by our editorial team to avoid mistakes in grammar, spelling, or structure.


A company who cares. Sure, our prices aren’t the lowest out there, but our work speaks for itself. We match up against big companies like TextBroker, Zerys, and WriterAccess, but give more attention to detail and without the corporate process. We actually care about our customers, your business is our business.